Friday, February 02, 2007

Pro's and Con's

Well, I am wrapping up finals week here in Rome and it has been intense. I have one more final on Monday then I'll be officially completed with my first semester of studies in Rome.
Alright, it all comes down to oral finals, literally!

pro: you only have one assignment
con: your whole semester is based on one assignment
pro: you don't turn in anything
con: you have 10 minutes to prove your course knowledge
pro: less assignments/papers = more reading time
con: you are the meter by which you work
pro: if outside events come up you can make time
con: this typically results in doing nothing academically [save going to class]

the deception: you get to schedule your own finals, so its your call. Excellent! Kind of... I have never had an Oral finals weeks and your Oral exam knowledge is a bit different than written exam knowledge. So this is not taken into consideration when those eyes of greed look to see how soon you can finish, but in disillusioned prudence you say "Hmm, don't wanna put them too close...24 hours apart should be good!" So you have it set, in 6 weekdays I'll be done with finals and when I’m done I'll have 14 days off! Now in college I have never had a schedule so easy [one final per day] wherein I'd have 2-4 finals a day and be done in 3 days, so naturally, you think you have all the time in the world.
Yeah, One forgets soon how little out of class work we do so the internalization of the material is not as forced when you aren’t having tests every few weeks There are no past assignments to study from, no old study guides to acclimate yourself to this professor's exam delivery style. So study basically consists of re-learning the entire class in 18 hours. And this seems okay 2 months before exams [when we sign up for time slots]. But something gets lost somewhere between the Coliseum and the Janiculum hill [near school and home].
Very interesting, indeed!
As I write this I only have one to go and tonight is mass with Benedict XVI [which makes everything feel better]. Point being, I have survived. Not with stellar academic performance but least that is how I feel. Which brings me to my next point...GRADING!
The tales of any schools and professors run deep when mystery hangs in the air like a thick London Fog. Half of what fills our brain prior to or Oral is the 'lore of the prof'. We strategize as if planning a militaristic attack. We gather all the information we can scrape together from older students who have 'lived to tell the tale' and we formulate our plan of attack. Knowing that he cannot ask everything so what is the minimum we can do while still pulling of the grade? Isn’t that what college is anyway? No matter what the subject or the love of it, it is part of the American gamble...sticking with the mantra 'If the minimum wasn't enough then it would not be the minimum!" And when our plan is in place...'forward march!' and stop we shan’t until we are seen standing amid the rubble of victory [which is about how you feel when you are among the pieces. The point: the grading is on a 0-10 scale and the grading is almost entirely subjective. If you have been to class you have a better chance than he who has not, how you are dressed, how nervous you 'appear', many elements play into this and less than one may think is based upon the material. After all, the prof may want to bust your chops or give you and easy ride. And when you leave you have no clue what your grade could be. If I were a betting man, and this is who you know me to be, I would say 8s across the board. But then again I have not the fainted clue. Hope for the best, ehh?!
Uncertainty makes things so much more entertaining and makes for great hallway conversation both at school and the NAC.
Now, I do not want this entry to come of as complaining because I know my fellow college friends and family back home have a longer and louder dirge to sing, so my hat comes off to you. I just wanted to let you know how funny academic assessment is here in the European Union.
Thanks for all your prayers they are a huge help and I could not image how things would be without them!

Think of the Joy and Concern of Mary as we recall her reception of Simeon's prophecy in the temple. The bitter-sweet calling of the Mother of God who is our Protectress and Mediatrix, providing for us the most clear reflection of Christ that any created being could!

God Bless


Anonymous Anonymous said...

everyone complains about something every once in a while. im complaining because we didnt have school today due to extra cold temperatures. pretty lame if you ask me. i hate snow days and all that crap because im stuck somewhere not having fun and i have no one to talk to. so hopefully we will have school tomorrow. this week is spirit week and tomorrow will be Masquerade Day. im excited because i found this amazing dress at Goodwill for only 10 dollars. oh and sadie hawkins is Saturday and my friend is doing this concert thing for orchestra in milwaukee. im really excited. ttyl funny cuz!

1:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jeremy! It's Danielle from good ol' O-Town! I actually have some time, for the first time in forever, to sit down and type something to you. Just thought I would say hey and tell you I think about you sometimes. Hoping all is going well. Later pal!

10:44 PM  

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